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Ketidaktahuan anda adalah kepedulianku untuk selalu memberikan informasi, meski hanya sekedar hilangkan rasa ingin tahu saja.

18 December 2008



Method I. Simplest method - Uploading the xml file:

  1. Download the template that you want and save it in your computer (make sure it is saved as xml file).
  2. Go to your Layout > Template > Edit HTML page.
  3. Choose the file from the Browse... button, and then press the Upload button.
  4. It may ask you to delete some widgets - so just delete them. (Widgets are the extra page element added to the sidebars).
  5. You're done! View your new blog.
  6. If your contents doesn't look aligned, that's probably because you don't have any widget on one of the sidebars - so add your widgets.

Method II. Copy-paste the template codes into the Blogger text editor:

If you don't want to download the file first, or prefer to paste the code into your Blogger editor, this is how to do it.

  1. Open the template file that you want and copy all the codes.
  2. Got to your Layout > Template > Edit HTML page.
  3. Click the Expand Widget Templates (EWT) button. (If the EWT button is on or clicked, all template codes will be visible; if it's off or unclicked, then some codes related to Blogger Data are hidden so that the HTML codes look less messy - most of the time, you don't want to change or add codes inside the Blogger Data area).
  4. Select all the codes in your Blogger editor and delete them all. Then paste the codes for your new template.
  5. It may ask you to delete some widgets - so just delete them. (Widgets are the extra page element added to the sidebars).
  6. You're done! View your new blog.
  7. If your contents doesn't look aligned, that's probably because you don't have any widget on one of the sidebars - so add your widgets.


Jaloee on January 8, 2009 at 8:08 PM said...

hihihih mantep bos...

gimana kalau form komentar sekalian di masuk ke dalam bolder post..

Anonymous said...

masih mumet... makasih sarannya

Anonymous said...

hehehe.. ngga apa2 bang.. semakin mumet semakin asik ngutak-atik template na..xixixi..

oh iya bang ttg serch box nanti sy coba publis deh.. kemarin tidak sempat kirim

Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing a well thought out and reasoned comment to the discussion.


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